Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends
Greetings to Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea. I have now once again leapt upon the latest in trendy self-promotion and fired up this blog. I got to thinking that I keep emailing little odds and ends to folks all the time and it might just be simpler and maybe even more fun to have this as a repository of stuff I find, as well as keeping das volk (und you know who you are, ja?) up to date on the latest minor occurances in my own humdrum life. I hope to add stuff daily as I have a backlog of marginalia, effluvia, and detritus that I wish to foist upon you. Or not, since this will make it that much easier for you to ignore me. Ah, well.
In any event, the obligatory opening salvo is complete. More as events warrant. We're in touch, so you keep in touch. Love, The Mole.
In any event, the obligatory opening salvo is complete. More as events warrant. We're in touch, so you keep in touch. Love, The Mole.
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