Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Space He Invades He Gets By On You

Well, hallo there, fellow people in the blogosphere (I assumer you're all people) -- the Mole here, much absent of late doing the work of Mundania (ref: Piers Anthony - shaped like Florida - again, why would anybody live there? Bugs, hurricanes, and now alligator-eating exploding Burmese pythons and yes put those search terms into Google and see what you come up with better yet look here: but dont do it when you are about to eat, rather gruesome Doncha Know?) and dealing with the whole 9th Anniversary of turning 30, as well as the upcoming 15th anniversary of the birth of MoleSon; mortality, slight depression, blah blah how tedious that's all of that for now and forever. On to:

Item: (just housekeeping) If you did not and why didnt you see the Scorsese Dylan thing go get it now or more likely just turn on your local PBS affiliate, from what I can see they are running it nonstop and god help us when when pledge month comes again. But this is worth it. Makes Dylan a human being again, and an interesting one at that.

Item: Currently in the Den we are smoking cigars and drinking brandy and reading Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, which is 900 pages rectangular pages made up of paragraphs like this one:

Epiphyte corp.'s business plan is about an inch thick, neither fat nor skinny as these things go. The interior pages are slickly and groovily desktop-published out of Avi's laptop.The covers are rugged hand-laid paper of rice chaff, bamboo tailings, range hemp, and crystalline glacial meltwater made by wizened artisans operating out of a mist-shrouded temple hewn from living volcanic rock on some island known only to aerobically gifted, Spandex-sheathed Left Coast travel bores. An impressionistic map of the South China been dashed across these covers by molecularly reconstructed Ming Dynasty calligraphers using brushes of combed unicorn mane dipped into ink made of grinding down charcoal slabs fashioned by blind stylite monks from hand-charred fragments of the True Cross.

There are many paragraphs like this one, some longer, some shorter, appearing in many places throughout the book. It is a wild ride, and funny, one which I am only a third of the way through but love every minute of. I have to be careful not to re-read the lengthy plot summary on the inside front cover because I have largely forgotten it from when I first got the book free at the Book Thing and Do Not Want To Know What Happens.

Item: Is anybody else scared that the offspring of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes might be the Scientology Messiah, come to remove our engrams once and for all and turn us all into people, well, like Tom Cruise and John Travolta and (angels and ministers of grace preserve us) Kirstie Alley? Just think about it, but not before bed time and not after looking at the exploding, gator-eating burmese python explosion.

Item: Bush -- NOW does everybody get it? I wouldnt trust him to bang the erasers together after school for fear he'd need written instructions. What's next? His college baseball coach as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? His kindergarten teacher as Secretary of Education? I think anybody he likes should be automatically disqualified from everything forever because they have all proven to be criminals, incompetents and whiners. Oh, Hunter, why couldnt you have just waited a few more months? The game is afoot. Release the hounds, they smell blood. Sic semper tyrranis.

Item: We now have 61 cards in the sequence and are heading into the third inner loop. A few are beginning to drop and have been repaired. Once we reach the center we may have to relayer and head into other areas but that seems to be a long way off. We'll keep you posted. You know who you are, and I am watching you.

Item: I am nervous about Wallace and Gromit -- movies with puppets are stinky with death and corruption of late -- Corpse Bride and Team America both technically brilliant but heartless and dull (same with Nightmare before Christmas). Please, Jesus, oh please let us have big larfs at Were-Rabbit, or I will never see another puppet movie again, you just watch me, and I dont make idle threats.

Oh, and thanks Friend, u no hu u r....

Pacem in terris. There'll be more when it occurs to me....


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