Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dont Ask Me Why No One Quite Knows The Reason

Just a quick note tonight cuz I want to see the Grinch, the real Boris-Karloff-Chuck-Jones Grinch not the incredibly bad Ron-Howard-Who-The-Hell-Thought-He-Could-Pull-It-Off-Even-With-Jim-Carrey Grinch-like thing. Horrors.

A quick shout out to Mr. Christopher Moore, who wrote the most important theological book of the 21st century, the incredibly hilarious Lamb: The Gospel According to Christ's Best Friend Biff, which should be read by everyone with a brain and a funny bone (this excludes Larry the Cable Guy, for example, who has neither) -- I have recently completed Moore's earlier book, Fluke, which is to Moby Dick what Douglas Adams is to, I dunno, Stanislaw Lem or something. If you ever wanted to truly understand whales and laugh out loud while you do, Fluke is your book. It's a quick read for those of you looking for something entertaining over winter break and all in all worth the eleventyseven dollars or whatever it costs.

Okay, let's head for Whoville. See you later, defibrillator.


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