Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sex Crime (Orwell Would Be Proud)

Now that I've got your attention...

I watched a great little sorta-scifi movie tonight called Code 46 -- sort of the first love story of the information security/patriot act/genetic engineering/bigbrother age. Tim Robbins, great as always, plays an investigator who is called in when the electronic visas people need to be, well, anywhere in the world are being forged. He manages to fall in love with the girl who is making the phonies, and in a hyper-secure world where everything everybody does is monitored (and interestingly, for the most part, nobody seems to mind) this causes some problems.

The title, for example, refers to a law that says that if you conceive a child with someone with whom you share anywhere between 25-100% of the same genetic material with, the child has to be terminated and you will not be allowed to marry. You may lose your access to the interior of the cities and be cast out into the lawless areas outside the cities. This ends up factoring into the love story in a way that is too complicated to explain here and would ruin a major plot point anyway.

One of the most interesting aspects of the film is that the future is largely "suggested" -- the movie was creatively filmed in existing locations that look like the beginnings of the future in Blade Runner before it begins to, as Warren Zevon once sang, "run straight down." The move happens largely in Shanghai, and it looks like it was filmed in all the coolest parts of some major Asian city. What few special effects are here are subtle, and the overall effect is of a world just a few decades removed from our own -- kind of like Spielberg's Minority Report, only less obvious.

A well-made, thought-provoking, quiet love story. The Mole hath seen it, you should to. Nite nite.


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