Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Anybody else notice...

....that leftover hippies from the '60's are now starting to sound as hidebound and boring as the old guys they were rebelling against? All their stories about tripping and rebellion sound like the stories their own fathers told them about what they did in the war. Give it a rest, bro. Give peace a chance. Timothy Leary, Hunter Thompson, Lenny Bruce, and most of the other people that made the '60's interesting are now dead. It's never too late to get a life.

...that Battlestar:Galactica (the new version) isn't really, uhm, all that interesting? I find it tedious, and the real find on the Sci Fi channel is the new Dr. Who with some of the best writing, acting, and special effects on TV. David Tennant makes a fabulous Doctor (and Christopher Eccleston before him in season one) and I cant wait for season three. If I want Galactica, I want Lorne Greene and Richard Hatch. Nothing else suffices.

...that unclogging a bathtub is a real pain in the neck? I poured two bottles of Drano Extra Mega Super Nuclear Formula One Million down my drain and still STILL had standing water. My landlord has now informed the Mole that Drano is BAD. They came and snaked that puppy and now I have my tub back. But it took weeks. Yes, it is true, the cause was probably the Mole's voluminous hair, but still gross and disgusting. I will attempt to keep the drain clean going forward.

Peace in our time. Live long and prosper. He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghost. Nite nite.

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